Winter is on the way. It’s time to get your vehicle winter ready. Winterizing your vehicle is necessary to keep your vehicle performing its best during the cold months. Your vehicle’s safety is important during winter conditions, especially if you must drive on icy or snowy roads. There are several things you can do to ensure your car operates successfully throughout the winter months as well as maximize your car’s ability to keep you and your family safe should a winter weather problem occur.

Here are some tips to give you peace of mind during winter driving:

Battery: Cold weather slows down your battery power. During cold weather, your engine requires more current from the battery in order to start the engine. Have a mechanic check your battery to see if it needs replacement, charging or cleaning.


  • You need to be able to see clearly while driving, especially in snowy conditions. Properly working windshield wipers and a good supply of wiper fluid will ensure you have a clear line of sight even in the worst snowstorm.
  • To prevent the coolant in your radiator from freezing, check the anti-freeze mixture.
  • Check brake fluid and brake pads for wear and tear and have pads replaced if necessary.

Tires: If you are in an area covered with snow for most of the winter, you should replace your regular all-season tires with winter tires. They provide more traction and flexibility in the bitter cold. Cold weather causes the air pressure in your tires to drop. A properly inflated tire ensures the best possible contact between the road and the tires, which is necessary for safe traction when driving in winter conditions.

Oil: Cold weather reduces the effectiveness of the oil in your vehicle. The colder it is outside, the thicker the oil gets, and thick oil does not circulate through your engine as easily as thin oil. Change your oil and adjust the viscosity.

Lights: All lights should be clean and properly working to ensure maximum visibility in the wintertime. Replace foggy, hazy, or damaged lens covers to improve visibility.

Belts & Hoses: Check your belts and hoses for any sign of wear and tear. Cold temperatures can weaken the belts and hoses that help make your engine run.

Emergency Supply Kit: Have your car prepared with emergency supplies in case you get stranded in a blizzard.

Get A Winter Safety Vehicle Inspection

Before the harsh winter weather arrives, you should have your vehicle inspected and serviced for the challenges winter can pose. Routine vehicle maintenance is important year-round, but especially before the winter months. Weather has a huge impact on the functionality of your vehicle, and servicing your vehicle becomes more pertinent during this colder time of the year. Contact our Clay Dooley Team –  and have our experts make sure your vehicle is ready to keep you and your family safe during winter driving.